ISAM - EMULATION FOR BTRIEVE AND VISUAL BASIC The module BTRIEVEM.BAS contains the beta version of an ISAM-emulation for Visual Basic. The emulator follows the same conventions as the ISAM of Basic PDS 7.1. For clarification, all commands begin with "bt_". The emulation uses the BTrieve DLL for Windows (v5.1). Cause the code is included, this modul can also be used as an example, how to use BTrieve from Visual Basic. An example (ISAM.MAK) is included for demonstration. Please remember, this is a beta version, which doesn't include the commands for creation of databases and indexes. We'll add these commands in the next version and -if anyone is interested- we'll upload it in this forum. The product may contain some German commands [which we forgot to translate]. If you have any questions, please feel free to send a mail to 10012,1323. Gunter Eibl BUG - Basic User Group Feldstrasse 18 D-8012 Ottobrunn / Munich GERMANY phone: 011/49/89/609 7046 fax: 011/49/89/609 8229